Late October.

Hypobapta diffundens, (Geometrinae) takes to the air from September onward, this nice fat-bodied female came in and after fluttering around for a while settled on the sheet.

Diffundens Grey.

Where she was soon joined by a smaller male, click to enlarge.

Continuing with the grey theme, the Grey Twisted-moth, Circopetes obtusata (Oenochrominae)

Female, click to enlarge.

And the Yellow-tailed Stub Moth, Discophlebia catocalina, (Oenosandridae) male.

Another Geometrid, Ectropis fractaria, (Boarmiini) male.

Ringed Bark Moth.

And one for which an identification is yet to be determined, (Ennominae)

To conclude this batch, a strongly marked small moth from the Crambidae, Scoparia spelaea. It has a wing span of only 1 cm, resting with wings spread on this occasion displaying the dark hind wings.