The first bush mothing session for the new season was held in the red box/ironbark/red stringy forest at Glenmaggie. The evening was calm and mild but gradually cooled down as time progressed. Every occasion has something of interest, and this time it was the considerable numbers of several species that came in to the light. They were Gauna aegusalis, Euchaetis rhizobola, Termessa nivosa, Sorama bicolor, and Iropoca rotundata. And as usual there were interesting new records for the location and the moth-er, the uncommonly seen Nola paroxynta, and an undescribed species of Elesma, Elesma sp(1) (MOV 2)
Nola paroxynta. (Nolinae) The Neat Tuft-moth.
Elesma sp(1) (Nolinae)
Although it’s early in the season a few moths were quite worn, showing they had been on the wing for some time. This emerald though was very fresh.
Chlorocoma sp(5) (MOV 4)
Termessa nivosa, (Lithosiinae) is a bright little moth, quite a few were flitting around.
The Snowy Footman.
The unusual posture of Gauna aegusalis, (Pyralidae) always attracts attention.
The bodies of many moths can be eye catching, though normally hidden in repose. This female Nataxa flavescens obliged with a revealing attitude.
The Nataxa Moth.
Neola semiaurata, (Notodontidae) is a specialty of this long unburnt bush property. Several came in with this one displaying its golden hind wings while perching on the light stand
The Golden Notodontid,
Cyneoterpna wilsoni (Geometrinae) is an attractive moth, this female is also very fresh.
Wilson’s Grey.
As is this female Thallogama destinataria, (Boarmiinae) with its wing fringes intact.
The Dappled Bark Moth.
Another Notodontid, Sorama bicolor is quite common, but usually settles with its wings closed. On this night a number arrived, with many fluttering around giving different photo opportunities.
The Two-coloured Notodontid.
Finally, one of several male Iropoca rotundata, (Lymantriidae) the females have vestigial wings and are flightless.
The Iropoca Moth.
Click images to enlarge.
References and further reading,
Moths of Victoria Volumes 1,2,4,7.
All moths photographed can be seen here.