Late March.

While out in the garden a tiny winged creature landed on a leaf, closer inspection showed it to be the Stathmopoda species that has been the subject of previous posts. The subsequent photo was one of the best so far obtained, the pollen grains show it has been feeding in the Xerochrysums.

A warm night saw the light shining, small moths and a variety of Noctuids were the main arrivals. Agrotis ipsilon, (Noctuinae) is an agricultural pest world-wide, attacking a variety of plants, including in the garden, tomatoes and strawberries.

Another from the Noctuinae, the attractively marked Ectopatria horologa.

Two more whose larvae can cause problems for the home vegetable grower, both from the Crambidae. First, the Eggfruit Moth, Sceliodes cordalis, (Spilomelinae) this one has a special liking for plants in the Solanaceae, eg. aubergines and tomatoes, boring into the stems and fruit.

And Hellula hydralis, (Glaphyriinae) the Cabbage Centre Grub, a Brassica specialist.

A little moth that may be beneficial, in that the larvae may feed on scale insects,
Mataeomera ligata, (Acontiinae)

To conclude, one of only two Geometrids that came in, Amelora MOV sp(7), (Nacophorini).

An album of recent Noctuids to the light may be seen here.

Click to enlarge.

Moths By Night And Day.

A session at home, again with larger moths fairly low in numbers.

Pantydia sparsa, (Erebidae)

Proteuxoa amaurodes, (Amphipyrinae)

Proteuxoa tortisigna, (Amphipyrinae)

Epidesmia tryxaria, (Oenochrominae) The Neat Epidesmia, note the dark palpi.

Spilosoma curvata, (Arctiinae) the common name only becomes obvious when the moth is in flight, seen here fluttering up the sheet.

Anthela acuta, (Anthelidae).

Going down in size, Dichromodes MOV sp(4) also recorded previously at home.

Hednota pleniferella, (Crambidae)

Olbonoma triptycha, (Oecophoridae) several worn specimens to the light, this one was in pristine condition.

From small to even smaller. A check of the sunlit Xerochrysums revealed a tiny moth that when displayed on the monitor showed itself to be a first, a Fairy Moth, family Adelidae. A check online gives the genus as Nemophora, the species is as yet unclear. A brilliant little moth with the long antennae typical of the family.

Some images will enlarge with a click.