Garden Moths, November.

For some unknown reason moths from the garden are no longer as numerous or as varied, compared with earlier years of mothing. Nevertheless it’s still worth while to shine the light occasionally to see how things are going, these are from a warm night with no moon.

The Coprosma Hawk Moth, Hippotion scrofa. (Sphingidae)
The larvae feed on a variety of garden plants.

An early arrival was a white-patched Black Geometrid, Melanodes anthracitaria. (Ennominae)

Stepping down in size, several species of Noctuid came in.

Ectopatria horologa, (Noctuinae)

Agrotis porphyricollis (Noctuinae)
This species has striking pectinate antennae unlike many Noctuids whose antennae are simple.

Proteuxoa species. (Amphipyrinae)

Leucania diatrecta, (Hadeninae)

Leucania uda, (Hadeninae)

Chrysodeixis subsidens (Plusiinae)

Mataeomera mesotaenia, (Acontiinae)

And finally, going down in size again to some nice little Oecophorids.

Olbonoma triptycha.

Garrha ocellifera.

Heteroteucha dichroella.

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