Another session at home with some interesting arrivals at the sheet. As previously mentioned, Psychids have been abundant on the garden trees and again adults came to the light. First, two more shots of Clania ignobilis.
A Lomera species.
The first Cossid for a while, Culama australis.
An Eyespot Anthelid, Anthela ocellata.
The second home record of Pernattia pusilla, the She-oak Moth. Despite searches, larvae have not yet been found on either of the Allocasuarinas, littoralis and torulosa.
On this night Epyaxa subidaria was very abundant, this was a nice specimen.
Another Geometrid, Gastrina cristaria, the Wave-lined Geometrid.
And another, a real surprise, Rhinodia rostraria, the Necklace Geometrid. This has only previously come to the light at locations out in the bush.
Some images will enlarge.