Two Surprises.

Went into the workshop, looked across the workbench, and saw two moths, one big and one less so. No idea how they came to be there, unless they, as insects will, went in through the open door to escape the heat of a summer evening. Anyway, they were two good ones that haven’t been seen before at this location. The big one was a female Anthela nicothoe, it was taken outside for a photo on the concrete before transferring it to a shrub.

The Urticating Anthelid.

The smaller moth was first photographed with its wings spread displaying the colour of the hind wings, a significant feature. It was then coaxed to climb on to the end of a metre rule to get it closer for photos. It is a moth mainly of dry country, Prorocopis euxantha, previously recorded in the box/ironbark bush block at Glenmaggie. The common name is Golden Crest, referring to the hind wing colour, and the raised crest shown in the third image.

Attempts to move it to a more photogenic location failed when it flew and disappeared.

Most shots will enlarge.

Daytime Discoveries.

As the title signifies, the following items were found during the day, starting with a Comocrus behri, (Agaristinae) that was in the Hakea Burrendong Beauty selecting a spot in which to spend the night.

Mistletoe Moth.

Also hanging out on the hakea, Scopula optivata, (Sterrhinae)

Varied Wave.

And on a tree trunk, Persectania ewingii, (Hadenini)

Southern Armyworm.

One of the many small moths that flit when disturbed during the day,

Olbonoma triptycha, (Oecophoridae)

It’s that time of year when this moth is often found on the house walls.

Diatenes aglossoides, (Erebidae)

Larvae of the Batwing Moth, Chelepteryx collesi, have been found on three species of tree in the garden, Gippsland Red Gum, Eucalyptus tereticornis subsp. mediana, Angophora costata, and this one on a Sydney Grey Gum, Eucalyptus punctata.

And to conclude, two shots of a case that is different to anything previously seen.

Some images will enlarge.