New Site #10

Following on, Scioglyptis chionomera, Grey-patch Bark Moth.



Pomaderris species are popular food plants for species of moth larvae, an adult that came to the light is Casbia tanaoctena, the Speckled Casbia.

The Cream-fringed Emerald, Chlorocoma melocrossa.

Leaving the Geometrids, an interesting moth in the Hypeninae, one of the so called Snouts, for obvious reasons. MOV 8 notes that this moth seems to be restricted to damper forest. The light was not far from a deep foothill creek, suitable habitat.

(Trigonistis) asthenopa, the Tiny Snout.

Two more small moths, this time in the Oecophoridae.

Syringoseca rhodoxantha.

Heteroteucha dichroella.

Several Teatree Web Moths, Orthaga thyrisalis came in.

Plus a couple of Painted Cup Moths, Doratifera oxleyi.

A few other common species were recorded but will not be illustrated at this time.