Garden Moths, March.

A cool night with close to a full moon and a light breeze was not ideal, but a couple of hours saw a reasonable selection come in to the light. The first was one of several Crypsiphona ocultaria, the Red-lined Geometrid, a common but very neat species. (Geometrinae.)

Another early arrival to the sheet situated near a big grevillea, was the Hakea Wine Moth, Oenochroma vinaria. (Oenochrominae) As the name suggests, the larvae of this moth graze on plants in the Proteaceae.

Also in the Geometrinae is Diffundens Grey, Hypobapta diffundens.

The biggest surprise for this session in the garden was a female Lucas’ Stub-moth, Discophlebia lucasii,. (Oenosandridae) It preferred to land on a rusty weight stabilising the rig against the breeze, where it was well camouflaged.

Doratifera oxleyi, (Limacodidae) is known as the Painted Cup-moth for the brightly coloured larvae. This is a fat-bodied female.

A few Noctuids arrived, among them quite a number of Proteuxoa tortisigna. (Amphipyrinae)

The small Crambid Nacoleoi rhoeoalis, (Spilomelinae) is notable for its flamboyant antennae.

Among the smaller moths to come in were these two Tortricids, Epitymbia scotinopa, and an unidentified species.

A small Oecophorid to conclude, Palimmeces poecilella.

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