The Senecio or Magpie Moth.

Nyctemera amicus is a fairly common visitor to the moth light, and as the first name suggests, the larval food plants include the Groundsels or Fireweeds, Senecio species, as well as certain other plants in the Asteraceae. A random glance upwards recently was rewarded by the sighting of this mating pair on the house eave lining, the male is recognisable by the broader pectinations of its antennae. For photographers reading, the RAW Nikon NEF file was processed in the highly recommended free open-source RawTherapee program to produce the jpeg image below.

Click to enlarge.

Gladstone Creek.

This foothill creek drains the slopes south of Mount Moornapa, and the creek-side vegetation features tall moist forest of Mountain Grey Gum, E. cypellocarpa, But But, E. bridgesiana, and White Stringybark, E. globoidea, with an understory including Blueberry Ash, Elaeocarpus reticulatus, Hazel Pomaderris, Pomaderris aspera, and Dogwood or Common Cassinea, Cassinia aculeata. At the moment the pomaderris is showing the effects of the continuing dry with wilting foliage. The location has been sampled for moths several times in the past, but never before in such dry conditions, and the results of this session may perhaps reflect this in the preponderance of small moths attracted to the light.

The first moth to the light was a small one, but a very good record, a rarely seen small Cossid, Archaeoses magicosema, and it was soon followed by a second.

Another very attractive small Cossid also made an appearance, Idioses littleri.

Three species of Casbia, (Geometridae – Enomminae – Caberini) came to the light, the first, Casbia melanops, the Pomaderris Moth is very variable as can be seen from the following two images. As the name suggests, the larvae feed on the Hazel Pomaderris.



Casbia celidosema is named the Trident Casbia for obvious reasons.


The third species to come in was the Speckled Casbia, Casbia tanaoctena.


The majority of the small moths that arrived were Oecophorids, here are three.

Lepidotarsa habrodelta.

Zonopetala clerota.

Eulechria sp.01

Among the larger moths were a few Pararguda rufescens, (Lasiocampidae), a female on the sheet was joined by a male, perhaps he detected her pheromones and followed her in.

Two beautiful Aglaosoma variegata, (Notodontidae) settled, one with its wings spread.

And to conclude, a very fresh Elophila responsalis, (Crambidae)

All moths photographed on the night can be seen here.

References and further reading,
P Marriott,
Moths of Victoria Volume 7
Morwell N P site.